Hmmm...what to say about Jalama Beach? A state beach surrounded by Lompoc greenery and a minimum of mobile trailers definitely sounded like a good idea for Memorial Day weekend. So where'd we go wrong? Going by Yelp and campground reviews, we were expecting wind...just not so MUCH of it!! As soon as we were out of the car, the freezing wind was whipping around our faces. We doubled up on jackets and took the afghan throw down to the beach while we waited for a tent spot, then climbed back up the beach to the camp store. I was dead set on trying their "World Famous Jalama Burger." A massive patty,a massive bun,ample cheese & shredded lettuce, and a sauce tasting similar to the In-N-Out special mix. We finished in about 2 minutes, and took the fries back to wait in the car.

Of course, I forgot I'd left the fries on the car roof, until the seagulls dive-bombed us.
What else is there to say about Jalama Beach, other than try visiting Labor Day weekend instead? Not much! For the 2 nights we camped, the wind shook the tent so much you'd have thought there was a blizzard outside, and I think we got a thorough face and ankle sand exfoliation trying to take a windy beach walk our last day there. So here I'll let the photos show the few standouts of the trip:

Chili bread bowl & clam basket

Beginning of sunset,and...
...the end of it.

Lompoc sculpture garden
I hope to have the shots from the Holga developed soon, but these from my SX 120 will have to do for now.